HLIBpro  3.0
Common Types and Functions


struct  hpro_
union  acc_u


typedef union hpro_ acc_u acc_t
typedef void(* hpro_) (const int errcode, const char *errmsg)


enum  hpro_ {
enum  hpro_ {
enum  hpro_ {
enum  hpro_ {
enum  hpro_ {
enum  hpro_ {
enum  {


void hpro_ init (int *info)
void hpro_ done (int *info)
int hpro_ is_init ()
void hpro_ error_desc (char *desc, const size_t size)


hpro_ coord_t hpro_ coord_import (const size_t n, const unsigned int dim, double **coord, const double *period, int *info)
size_t hpro_ coord_ncoord (const hpro_ coord_t coord, int *info)
unsigned int hpro_ coord_dim (const hpro_ coord_t coord, int *info)
double *hpro_ coord_get (const hpro_ coord_t coord, const size_t i, int *info)
double *hpro_ coord_bbmin (const hpro_ coord_t coord, const size_t i, int *info)
double *hpro_ coord_bbmax (const hpro_ coord_t coord, const size_t i, int *info)
int hpro_ coord_has_bbox (const hpro_ coord_t coord, int *info)
void hpro_ coord_set_period (hpro_ coord_t coord, const double period[], int *info)
void hpro_ coord_get_period (hpro_ coord_t coord, double period[], int *info)
void hpro_ coord_free (hpro_ coord_t coord, int *info)
size_t hpro_ coord_bytesize (const hpro_ coord_t coord, int *info)
void hpro_ coord_print_vrml (const hpro_ coord_t coord, const char *filename, int *info)
void hpro_ coord_print_vtk (const hpro_ coord_t coord, const char *filename, int *info)

Admissibility condition

hpro_ admcond_t hpro_ admcond_geom (const hpro_ adm_t crit, const double eta, int *info)
hpro_ admcond_t hpro_ admcond_geom_period (const hpro_ adm_t crit, const double eta, const double *period, const unsigned int dim, int *info)
void hpro_ admcond_free (const hpro_ admcond_t ac, int *info)


Nodes and sub trees in a cluster tree.

int hpro_ cl_first (const hpro_ cluster_t cl, int *info)
int hpro_ cl_last (const hpro_ cluster_t cl, int *info)
size_t hpro_ cl_size (const hpro_ cluster_t cl, int *info)
size_t hpro_ cl_nsons (const hpro_ cluster_t cl, int *info)
hpro_ cluster_t hpro_ cl_son (const hpro_ cluster_t cl, const unsigned int i, int *info)
int hpro_ cl_is_leaf (const hpro_ cluster_t cl, int *info)
size_t hpro_ cl_nnodes (const hpro_ cluster_t cl, int *info)
size_t hpro_ cl_depth (const hpro_ cluster_t cl, int *info)
hpro_ cluster_t hpro_ cl_copy (const hpro_ cluster_t cl, int *info)
void hpro_ cl_free (hpro_ cluster_t cl, int *info)
size_t hpro_ cl_bytesize (const hpro_ cluster_t cl, int *info)
void hpro_ cl_print_ps (const hpro_ cluster_t cl, const char *filename, int *info)

Cluster Trees

Root of a cluster tree with stored index permutations.

hpro_ clustertree_t hpro_ clt_build_bsp (const hpro_ coord_t coord, const hpro_ bsp_t bsptype, const unsigned int nmin, int *info)
hpro_ clustertree_t hpro_ clt_build_bsp_part (const hpro_ coord_t coord, const unsigned int *partition, const int eq_depth, const hpro_ bsp_t bsptype, const unsigned int nmin, int *info)
hpro_ cluster_t hpro_ clt_root (hpro_ clustertree_t ct, int *info)
hpro_ permutation_t hpro_ clt_perm_i2e (hpro_ clustertree_t ct, int *info)
hpro_ permutation_t hpro_ clt_perm_e2i (hpro_ clustertree_t ct, int *info)
void hpro_ clt_free (hpro_ clustertree_t ct, int *info)
size_t hpro_ clt_bytesize (const hpro_ clustertree_t ct, int *info)
size_t hpro_ clt_nnodes (const hpro_ clustertree_t ct, int *info)
size_t hpro_ clt_depth (const hpro_ clustertree_t ct, int *info)
void hpro_ clt_print_ps (const hpro_ clustertree_t ct, const char *filename, int *info)

Block Clusters

Nodes and sub trees of block cluster trees.

hpro_ blockcluster_t hpro_ bc_parent (const hpro_ blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
size_t hpro_ bc_nsons (const hpro_ blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
hpro_ blockcluster_t hpro_ bc_son (const hpro_ blockcluster_t bc, const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j, int *info)
int hpro_ bc_is_leaf (const hpro_ blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
int hpro_ bc_is_adm (const hpro_ blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
size_t hpro_ bc_nnodes (const hpro_ blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
size_t hpro_ bc_depth (const hpro_ blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
hpro_ cluster_t hpro_ bc_rowcl (const hpro_ blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
hpro_ cluster_t hpro_ bc_colcl (const hpro_ blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
hpro_ blockcluster_t hpro_ bc_copy (const hpro_ blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
void hpro_ bc_free (hpro_ blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
size_t hpro_ bc_bytesize (const hpro_ blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
int hpro_ bc_csp (const hpro_ blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
void hpro_ bc_print_ps (const hpro_ blockcluster_t bc, const char *filename, int *info)

Block Cluster Trees

Root of block cluster trees with access to index permutations.

hpro_ blockclustertree_t hpro_ bct_build (const hpro_ clustertree_t rowct, const hpro_ clustertree_t colct, const hpro_ admcond_t ac, int *info)
size_t hpro_ bct_nnodes (const hpro_ blockclustertree_t bct, int *info)
size_t hpro_ bct_depth (const hpro_ blockclustertree_t bct, int *info)
hpro_ clustertree_t hpro_ bct_rowct (const hpro_ blockclustertree_t bct, int *info)
hpro_ clustertree_t hpro_ bct_colct (const hpro_ blockclustertree_t bct, int *info)
void hpro_ bct_free (hpro_ blockclustertree_t bct, int *info)
size_t hpro_ bct_bytesize (const hpro_ blockclustertree_t bct, int *info)
void hpro_ bct_distribute_block (hpro_ blockclustertree_t bct, const unsigned int p, const unsigned int min_lvl, const int symmetric, int *info)
int hpro_ bct_csp (const hpro_ blockclustertree_t bct, int *info)
void hpro_ bct_print_ps (const hpro_ blockclustertree_t bct, const char *filename, int *info)


hpro_ solver_t hpro_ solver_auto (int *info)
hpro_ solver_t hpro_ solver_linear_iteration (int *info)
hpro_ solver_t hpro_ solver_richardson (int *info)
hpro_ solver_t hpro_ solver_cg (int *info)
hpro_ solver_t hpro_ solver_cgs (int *info)
hpro_ solver_t hpro_ solver_bicgstab (int *info)
hpro_ solver_t hpro_ solver_tfqmr (int *info)
hpro_ solver_t hpro_ solver_minres (int *info)
hpro_ solver_t hpro_ solver_gmres (const int restart, int *info)
void hpro_ solver_stopcrit (hpro_ solver_t solver, const int maxit, const double abs_red, const double rel_red, int *info)
void hpro_ solver_initialise_start_value (hpro_ solver_t solver, const int flag, int *info)
void hpro_ solver_use_exact_residual (hpro_ solver_t solver, const int flag, int *info)
void hpro_ solver_free (hpro_ solver_t solver, int *info)


hpro_ coord_t hpro_ hformat_load_coord (const char *filename, int *info)
void hpro_ hformat_save_coord (const hpro_ coord_t coord, const char *filename, int *info)
void hpro_ samg_save_coord (const hpro_ coord_t coord, const char *filename, int *info)
hpro_ coord_t hpro_ samg_load_coord (const char *filename, int *info)
hpro_ coord_t hpro_ load_coord (const char *filename, int *info)

Accuracy Management

hpro_ acc_t hpro_ acc_fixed_eps (const double eps)
hpro_ acc_t hpro_ acc_fixed_rank (const unsigned int k)
hpro_ acc_t hpro_ acc_blocked (const hpro_ acc_t *blockacc)


double hpro_ walltime ()
double hpro_ cputime ()
void hpro_ set_n_min (const unsigned int n)
void hpro_ set_verbosity (const unsigned int verb)
void hpro_ set_abs_eps (const double eps)
void hpro_ set_coarsening (const int build, const int arith)
void hpro_ set_recompress (const int recompress)
void hpro_ set_diag_scale (const int scale)
void hpro_ set_nthreads (const unsigned int p)
void hpro_ set_progress_cb (hpro_ progressfn_t fn, void *arg)
void hpro_ set_config (const char *option, const char *value, int *info)
void hpro_ get_config (const char *option, char *value, const size_t len, int *info)
void hpro_ print_parameters ()
void hpro_ set_error_fn (const hpro_ errorfn_t errorfn)
void hpro_ set_warning_fn (const hpro_ errorfn_t warnfn)
unsigned int hpro_ major_version ()
unsigned int hpro_ minor_version ()

Detailed Description

Types and Functions common to (or independent of) all value types.

Typedef Documentation

◆ acc_t

typedef union hpro_ acc_u acc_t

general accuracy description type

◆ hpro_

typedef void(* hpro_)(const double *values, int *cancel, void *arg)

error/warning handler function types

callback function for progress information

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

matrix printing options (can be combined)


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

list of error codes


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

fields in value array progress bar callback function


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar

◆ hpro_ [1/6]

enum hpro_

defines operation on matrices


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar

◆ hpro_ [2/6]

enum hpro_

partitioning algorithms for binary sparse partitioning


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar

◆ hpro_ [3/6]

enum hpro_

partitioning algorithms for algebraic clustering


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar

◆ hpro_ [4/6]

enum hpro_

admissibility criteria


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar

◆ hpro_ [5/6]

enum hpro_

different types of accuracy


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar

◆ hpro_ [6/6]

enum hpro_

different types of low rank approximation


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar


normal matrix, no modification

transposed matrix

adjoint operator: transpose (real) or conjugate transpose (complex)

automatic choice

geometrically balanced clustering

w.r.t. maximal dimension or regularly

cardinality balanced clustering

clustering based on principle component

BFS graph partitioning

MultiLevel graph partitioning

METIS library

SCOTCH library

automatically decide suitable adm. condition

standard admissibility with min. of diameters

standard admissibility with max. of diameters

weak admissibility

fixed accuracy for all blocks

fixed rank for all blocks

different accuracy for one block level

arbitrary accuracy description

use singular value decomposition

use adaptive cross approximation

use advanced adaptive cross approximation

use adaptive cross approximation with
full pivot search

use hybrid cross approximation

build empty low-rank blocks (nearfield only)

use randomized SVD

uses rank revealing QR

print singular value decomposition in each block

print each entry of matrix

print sparsity pattern (non-zero entries)

no error occured

not initialised

invalid license

functionality not implemented

general consistency error

communication error

permission denied

general exception error

data is real valued

data is not real valued

data is complex valued

data is not complex valued

invalid mixing of real and complex data

division by zero

sqrt of negative number

infinity occured

not-a-number occured

iteration did not converge

error with argument

insufficient memory available

null pointer encountered

size of data incorrect

invalid or incompatible dimension

out-of-bound error in array

entry is not on diagonal

invalid coordinates

invalid cluster tree

wrong type of cluster tree

invalid structure of cluster tree

given cluster trees are incompatible

missing sparse matrix for given cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree

invalid block cluster tree structure

invalid vector

wrong vector type

invalid vector structure

invalid size of vector

vector with incompatible dimension

vector is not a scalar vector

invalid matrix type

invalid structure of matrix

invalid size of matrix

singular matrix detected

matrix not a sparse matrix

matrix not a dense matrix

matrix not an H-matrix

matrices with incompatible type

matrices with incompatible cluster tree

invalid matrix

matrix not symmetric

matrix not hermitian

matrix not positiv definite

error while parsing HLIBpro format

error while parsing SAMG format

error while parsing Matlab format

error while parsing PLTMG format

error while parsing Harwell Boeing format

error while parsing Matrix Market format

error while parsing Ply format

invalid format of grid file

invalid data in grid file

could not open file

could not close file

could not write to file

could not read from file

could not seek in file

file does not exists

size of bytestream too small

error while writing to bytestream

error while reading from bytestream

type error in bytestream

general data error in bytestream

no zlib support compiled in

error during zlib uncompression

no METIS support compiled in

no Scotch support compiled in

error in call to Scotch function

no Chaco support compiled in

no libGraph support compiled in

no FFTW3 support compiled in

no Cairo support compiled in

no HDF5 support compiled in

no Mongoose support compiled in

error in call to MPI function

invalid solver

invalid low-rank approximation type

invalid grid

invalid function space

minimal value of progress bar

maximal value of progress bar

current value of progress bar

Function Documentation

◆ acc_blocked()

hpro_ acc_t hpro_ acc_blocked ( const hpro_ acc_t blockacc)

return accuracy object with blockwise accuracy defined by array blockacc of dimension blockrows × blockcolumns corresponding to first partitioning level; the array must be stored column wise

◆ acc_fixed_eps()

hpro_ acc_t hpro_ acc_fixed_eps ( const double  eps)

return accuracy object with fixed accuracy eps

◆ acc_fixed_rank()

hpro_ acc_t hpro_ acc_fixed_rank ( const unsigned int  k)

return accuracy object with fixed rank k

◆ admcond_free()

void hpro_ admcond_free ( const hpro_ admcond_t  ac,
int *  info 

create admissibility condition for high/low frequency case by limiting the number of wavelengths (nwaves) per cluster free admissibility condition

◆ admcond_geom()

hpro_ admcond_t hpro_ admcond_geom ( const hpro_ adm_t  crit,
const double  eta,
int *  info 

create admissibility condition based on geometrical data

◆ admcond_geom_period()

hpro_ admcond_t hpro_ admcond_geom_period ( const hpro_ adm_t  crit,
const double  eta,
const double *  period,
const unsigned int  dim,
int *  info 

create admissibility condition based on geometrical data with additional periodicity in geometry defined by vector period

  • period must have same dimension dim as coordinates used for constructing cluster trees

◆ bc_bytesize()

size_t hpro_ bc_bytesize ( const hpro_ blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

return size of memory in bytes used by block cluster

◆ bc_colcl()

hpro_ cluster_t hpro_ bc_colcl ( const hpro_ blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

return column cluster of given block cluster

◆ bc_copy()

hpro_ blockcluster_t hpro_ bc_copy ( const hpro_ blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

return copy of sub tree defined by bc

◆ bc_csp()

int hpro_ bc_csp ( const hpro_ blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

compute sparsity constant of block cluster tree

◆ bc_depth()

size_t hpro_ bc_depth ( const hpro_ blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

return depth of block cluster

◆ bc_free()

void hpro_ bc_free ( hpro_ blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

free resources coupled with block cluster tree bct

◆ bc_is_adm()

int hpro_ bc_is_adm ( const hpro_ blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

return 1 if block cluster is admissible and 0 otherwise

◆ bc_is_leaf()

int hpro_ bc_is_leaf ( const hpro_ blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

return 1 if block cluster is leaf and 0 otherwise

◆ bc_nnodes()

size_t hpro_ bc_nnodes ( const hpro_ blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

return number of nodes in block cluster

◆ bc_nsons()

size_t hpro_ bc_nsons ( const hpro_ blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

return total number of sons of block cluster bc

◆ bc_parent()

hpro_ blockcluster_t hpro_ bc_parent ( const hpro_ blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

return parent block cluster of block cluster bc

◆ bc_print_ps()

void hpro_ bc_print_ps ( const hpro_ blockcluster_t  bc,
const char *  filename,
int *  info 

print block cluster tree in PostScript format to file filename

◆ bc_rowcl()

hpro_ cluster_t hpro_ bc_rowcl ( const hpro_ blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

return row cluster of given block cluster

◆ bc_son()

hpro_ blockcluster_t hpro_ bc_son ( const hpro_ blockcluster_t  bc,
const unsigned int  i,
const unsigned int  j,
int *  info 

return son (i,j) of block cluster bc

  • the indices i and j are with respect to the numbering in the row and column cluster trees

◆ bct_build()

hpro_ blockclustertree_t hpro_ bct_build ( const hpro_ clustertree_t  rowct,
const hpro_ clustertree_t  colct,
const hpro_ admcond_t  ac,
int *  info 

build block cluster tree over given row and column clusters using admissibility condition ac

◆ bct_bytesize()

size_t hpro_ bct_bytesize ( const hpro_ blockclustertree_t  bct,
int *  info 

return size of memory in bytes used by block cluster

◆ bct_colct()

hpro_ clustertree_t hpro_ bct_colct ( const hpro_ blockclustertree_t  bct,
int *  info 

return column cluster tree of given block cluster tree

◆ bct_csp()

int hpro_ bct_csp ( const hpro_ blockclustertree_t  bct,
int *  info 

compute sparsity constant of block cluster tree

◆ bct_depth()

size_t hpro_ bct_depth ( const hpro_ blockclustertree_t  bct,
int *  info 

return depth of block cluster tree

◆ bct_distribute_block()

void hpro_ bct_distribute_block ( hpro_ blockclustertree_t  bct,
const unsigned int  p,
const unsigned int  min_lvl,
const int  symmetric,
int *  info 

distribute block cluster tree onto p processors based on block-wise partition with unique processor per block

  • assuming compatible structure of bct
  • min_lvl controls minimal level for blocks in bct to schedule
  • if symmetric ≠ 0, the scheduling is performed for the lower left part and mirrored to the upper right part (for symmetric/hermitian matrices)

◆ bct_free()

void hpro_ bct_free ( hpro_ blockclustertree_t  bct,
int *  info 

free resources coupled with cluster tree ct

◆ bct_nnodes()

size_t hpro_ bct_nnodes ( const hpro_ blockclustertree_t  bct,
int *  info 

return number of nodes in block cluster tree

◆ bct_print_ps()

void hpro_ bct_print_ps ( const hpro_ blockclustertree_t  bct,
const char *  filename,
int *  info 

print block cluster tree in PostScript format to file filename

◆ bct_rowct()

hpro_ clustertree_t hpro_ bct_rowct ( const hpro_ blockclustertree_t  bct,
int *  info 

return row cluster tree of given block cluster tree

◆ cl_bytesize()

size_t hpro_ cl_bytesize ( const hpro_ cluster_t  cl,
int *  info 

return size of memory in bytes used by cluster

◆ cl_copy()

hpro_ cluster_t hpro_ cl_copy ( const hpro_ cluster_t  cl,
int *  info 

return copy of sub tree defined by cl

◆ cl_depth()

size_t hpro_ cl_depth ( const hpro_ cluster_t  cl,
int *  info 

return depth of cluster tree

◆ cl_first()

int hpro_ cl_first ( const hpro_ cluster_t  cl,
int *  info 

return first index in index set

◆ cl_free()

void hpro_ cl_free ( hpro_ cluster_t  cl,
int *  info 

free resources coupled with cluster cl

◆ cl_is_leaf()

int hpro_ cl_is_leaf ( const hpro_ cluster_t  cl,
int *  info 

return 1 if cluster is leaf and 0 otherwise

◆ cl_last()

int hpro_ cl_last ( const hpro_ cluster_t  cl,
int *  info 

return last index in index set

◆ cl_nnodes()

size_t hpro_ cl_nnodes ( const hpro_ cluster_t  cl,
int *  info 

return number of nodes in cluster tree

◆ cl_nsons()

size_t hpro_ cl_nsons ( const hpro_ cluster_t  cl,
int *  info 

return number of sons of cluster

◆ cl_print_ps()

void hpro_ cl_print_ps ( const hpro_ cluster_t  cl,
const char *  filename,
int *  info 

print cluster tree in PostScript format to file filename

◆ cl_size()

size_t hpro_ cl_size ( const hpro_ cluster_t  cl,
int *  info 

return size of index set

◆ cl_son()

hpro_ cluster_t hpro_ cl_son ( const hpro_ cluster_t  cl,
const unsigned int  i,
int *  info 

return i'th son of cluster cl

◆ clt_build_bsp()

hpro_ clustertree_t hpro_ clt_build_bsp ( const hpro_ coord_t  coord,
const hpro_ bsp_t  bsptype,
const unsigned int  nmin,
int *  info 

build cluster tree using binary space partitioning

  • optional periodicity of the coordinates defined by period, e.g. vector containing stride in all spatial dimensions or NULL if not defined
coordcoordinates of indices
bsptypepartitioning type
nminminimal cluster size

◆ clt_build_bsp_part()

hpro_ clustertree_t hpro_ clt_build_bsp_part ( const hpro_ coord_t  coord,
const unsigned int *  partition,
const int  eq_depth,
const hpro_ bsp_t  bsptype,
const unsigned int  nmin,
int *  info 

build cluster tree using binary space partitioning but use a predefined partition for first step, e.g. first divide indices into groups defined by partition and apply BSP on these sets

  • partition must have size "size(coord)" and contain ids ∈ [0,k-1], where k is the total number of partitions
  • index "i" will go into group partition[i]
  • if eq_depth ≠ 0, the depth of subsequent sub trees (for each partition) is adjusted according to depth of previous sub trees
coordcoordinates of indices
partitionpredifined partition
eq_depthequalise depths of subtrees
bsptypepartitioning type
nminminimal cluster size

◆ clt_bytesize()

size_t hpro_ clt_bytesize ( const hpro_ clustertree_t  ct,
int *  info 

return size of memory in bytes used by cluster

◆ clt_depth()

size_t hpro_ clt_depth ( const hpro_ clustertree_t  ct,
int *  info 

return depth of cluster tree

◆ clt_free()

void hpro_ clt_free ( hpro_ clustertree_t  ct,
int *  info 

free resources coupled with cluster tree ct

◆ clt_nnodes()

size_t hpro_ clt_nnodes ( const hpro_ clustertree_t  ct,
int *  info 

return number of nodes in cluster tree

◆ clt_perm_e2i()

hpro_ permutation_t hpro_ clt_perm_e2i ( hpro_ clustertree_t  ct,
int *  info 

return mapping from external to internal (in cluster tree) ordering

  • returned object is reference to internal permutation: do NOT free

◆ clt_perm_i2e()

hpro_ permutation_t hpro_ clt_perm_i2e ( hpro_ clustertree_t  ct,
int *  info 

return mapping from internal (in cluster tree) to external ordering

  • returned object is reference to internal permutation: do NOT free

◆ clt_print_ps()

void hpro_ clt_print_ps ( const hpro_ clustertree_t  ct,
const char *  filename,
int *  info 

print cluster tree in PostScript format to file filename

◆ clt_root()

hpro_ cluster_t hpro_ clt_root ( hpro_ clustertree_t  ct,
int *  info 

return root node in cluster tree

◆ coord_bbmax()

double* hpro_ coord_bbmax ( const hpro_ coord_t  coord,
const size_t  i,
int *  info 

return pointer too coordinate of i'th maximal bounding box

◆ coord_bbmin()

double* hpro_ coord_bbmin ( const hpro_ coord_t  coord,
const size_t  i,
int *  info 

return pointer too coordinate of i'th minimal bounding box

◆ coord_bytesize()

size_t hpro_ coord_bytesize ( const hpro_ coord_t  coord,
int *  info 

return size of memory in bytes used by coordinates

◆ coord_dim()

unsigned int hpro_ coord_dim ( const hpro_ coord_t  coord,
int *  info 

return dimension of coordinates in given coordinate set coord

◆ coord_free()

void hpro_ coord_free ( hpro_ coord_t  coord,
int *  info 

free resources coupled with coordinates

  • if "HPRO_PF(coord_import)" was used to create coord, the memory occupied by coordinate array will NOT be freed

◆ coord_get()

double* hpro_ coord_get ( const hpro_ coord_t  coord,
const size_t  i,
int *  info 

return pointer too coordinate i in given coordinate set coord

  • the returned value points to an array of size dim(coord)
  • to pointer is no copy, so all changes to the data are direct changes to the coordinates

◆ coord_get_period()

void hpro_ coord_get_period ( hpro_ coord_t  coord,
double  period[],
int *  info 

store periodicity vector in period

  • period must have the same dimensions as the coordinates

◆ coord_has_bbox()

int hpro_ coord_has_bbox ( const hpro_ coord_t  coord,
int *  info 

return 1, if coordinate set has bounding box info and 0 otherwise

◆ coord_import()

hpro_ coord_t hpro_ coord_import ( const size_t  n,
const unsigned int  dim,
double **  coord,
const double *  period,
int *  info 

import given coordinates into HLIBpro

  • data is directly referenced, not copied, i.e., any later changes to coord will also change coordinate set,
  • optional periodicity of the coordinates defined by period, e.g. vector containing stride in all spatial dimensions or NULL if not defined

◆ coord_ncoord()

size_t hpro_ coord_ncoord ( const hpro_ coord_t  coord,
int *  info 

return number of coordinates in given coordinate set coord

◆ coord_print_vrml()

void hpro_ coord_print_vrml ( const hpro_ coord_t  coord,
const char *  filename,
int *  info 

print coordinates in VRML format to file filename

◆ coord_print_vtk()

void hpro_ coord_print_vtk ( const hpro_ coord_t  coord,
const char *  filename,
int *  info 

print coordinates in VTK format to file filename

◆ coord_set_period()

void hpro_ coord_set_period ( hpro_ coord_t  coord,
const double  period[],
int *  info 

set perdiodicity of coordinates to period

  • period must have the same dimensions as the coordinates

◆ cputime()

double hpro_ cputime ( )

return execution time of program in seconds

◆ done()

void hpro_ done ( int *  info)

finalise HLIBpro

◆ error_desc()

void hpro_ error_desc ( char *  desc,
const size_t  size 

copy description of current error to buffer

◆ get_config()

void hpro_ get_config ( const char *  option,
char *  value,
const size_t  len,
int *  info 

return current value of option, stored as string in value

◆ hformat_load_coord()

hpro_ coord_t hpro_ hformat_load_coord ( const char *  filename,
int *  info 

read coordinates from file filename

◆ hformat_save_coord()

void hpro_ hformat_save_coord ( const hpro_ coord_t  coord,
const char *  filename,
int *  info 

save coordinates to file filename

◆ init()

void hpro_ init ( int *  info)

initialise HLIBpro

◆ is_init()

int hpro_ is_init ( )

return 1 if HLIBpro is initialised and 0 otherwise

◆ load_coord()

hpro_ coord_t hpro_ load_coord ( const char *  filename,
int *  info 

read coordinates from file filename

◆ major_version()

unsigned int hpro_ major_version ( )

return major version number of 𝖧𝖫𝖨𝖡𝗉𝗋𝗈

◆ minor_version()

unsigned int hpro_ minor_version ( )

return minor version number of 𝖧𝖫𝖨𝖡𝗉𝗋𝗈

◆ print_parameters()

void hpro_ print_parameters ( )

print all internal parameters of HLIBpro with their current value

◆ samg_load_coord()

hpro_ coord_t hpro_ samg_load_coord ( const char *  filename,
int *  info 

read coordinates from file filename

◆ samg_save_coord()

void hpro_ samg_save_coord ( const hpro_ coord_t  coord,
const char *  filename,
int *  info 

write coordinates coord to file filename

◆ set_abs_eps()

void hpro_ set_abs_eps ( const double  eps)

define minimal boundary for singular values, e.g. not smaller

◆ set_coarsening()

void hpro_ set_coarsening ( const int  build,
const int  arith 

enable (1) or disable (0) coarsening during H-matrix building and arithmetic (default: build=1, arith=0)

◆ set_config()

void hpro_ set_config ( const char *  option,
const char *  value,
int *  info 

general function to change configuration variables: set option to value

◆ set_diag_scale()

void hpro_ set_diag_scale ( const int  scale)

enable (1) or disable (0) diagonal scaling during LU, etc. (default: off)

◆ set_error_fn()

void hpro_ set_error_fn ( const hpro_ errorfn_t  errorfn)

set call back function in case of an error

◆ set_n_min()

void hpro_ set_n_min ( const unsigned int  n)

set maximal leaf size in cluster trees to n

◆ set_nthreads()

void hpro_ set_nthreads ( const unsigned int  p)

set maximal number of threads to use in H arithmetic

◆ set_progress_cb()

void hpro_ set_progress_cb ( hpro_ progressfn_t  fn,
void *  arg 

set callback function for progress information
if fn == NULL, HLIBpro uses default progress output

◆ set_recompress()

void hpro_ set_recompress ( const int  recompress)

enable (1) or disable (0) recompression during H-matrix building (default: on)

◆ set_verbosity()

void hpro_ set_verbosity ( const unsigned int  verb)

define verbosity of HLIBpro

◆ set_warning_fn()

void hpro_ set_warning_fn ( const hpro_ errorfn_t  warnfn)

set call back function in case of a warning

◆ solver_auto()

hpro_ solver_t hpro_ solver_auto ( int *  info)

create automatic solver

◆ solver_bicgstab()

hpro_ solver_t hpro_ solver_bicgstab ( int *  info)

create BiCG-Stab solver

◆ solver_cg()

hpro_ solver_t hpro_ solver_cg ( int *  info)

create CG solver

◆ solver_cgs()

hpro_ solver_t hpro_ solver_cgs ( int *  info)

create CGS solver

◆ solver_free()

void hpro_ solver_free ( hpro_ solver_t  solver,
int *  info 

free solver

◆ solver_gmres()

hpro_ solver_t hpro_ solver_gmres ( const int  restart,
int *  info 

create GMRES solver with restart after restart steps

◆ solver_initialise_start_value()

void hpro_ solver_initialise_start_value ( hpro_ solver_t  solver,
const int  flag,
int *  info 

turn initialisation of start value during iteration on (flag != 0) or off (flag != 0)

◆ solver_linear_iteration()

hpro_ solver_t hpro_ solver_linear_iteration ( int *  info)

create linear iteration

◆ solver_minres()

hpro_ solver_t hpro_ solver_minres ( int *  info)

create MINRES solver

◆ solver_richardson()

hpro_ solver_t hpro_ solver_richardson ( int *  info)

create Richardson solver

◆ solver_stopcrit()

void hpro_ solver_stopcrit ( hpro_ solver_t  solver,
const int  maxit,
const double  abs_red,
const double  rel_red,
int *  info 

set stopping criterion for solver

  • maxit : maximal number of iterations
  • abs_red : iterate until ||residual||_2 reaches abs_red
  • rel_red : iterate until ||residual||_2 reaches rel_red * ||start-res.||_2
  • in case of a preconditioner r = W(Ax - b), e.g. the preconditioned res.

◆ solver_tfqmr()

hpro_ solver_t hpro_ solver_tfqmr ( int *  info)

create TFQMR solver

◆ solver_use_exact_residual()

void hpro_ solver_use_exact_residual ( hpro_ solver_t  solver,
const int  flag,
int *  info 

turn computation of exact residual during iteration on (flag != 0) or off (flag != 0)

◆ walltime()

double hpro_ walltime ( )

return current walltime in seconds